Tuesday, July 10, 2007

winLight 0.7

ok, I just released winLight 0.7.

This version has some major upgrades.

The main one is that it will save the history and when you do the quick search it will auto complete it.

Also made it compatible with winNote by adding a exception in winNote.

Give it a try and email me.


Unknown said...

Hey..I'm liking winLight but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to search anything but the C drive. Can you help me out?

OctalMage said...

Hey Mike,

Im glad you like winlight, I use it every day.

If you right click on the tray icon you should see a config option.

Click it.

The two options you should look at are the include path, and the always scan path.

Include are the paths that it indexes.

Always scan are the paths that it will scan every time.

You will want to put the item that dont change often in the include path in increase speed.

Hope this helps!