Tuesday, August 21, 2007

FreeLogger 1.0 Released

FreeLogger is the free, open source key stroke logger.

When you first run this program, there will be a tray icon, to hide it, right click and click "Hide Icon". The program will now run silently in the background. Then when you want to view the log, just hit, alt+ctrl+shift+u, the trayicon will then show again. Now just right click the icon again, and click clear log.

Its a pretty simple program, it is not the best keylogger yet, but it will get the job done.

It logs the window title, text, time, username, and a couple of other things.

Any feedback would be appreciated.



Average Blogger said...

First of all the program is great. It gets its job done quite well. This program is categorized as open source but I cannot find the source. Where can I find the source code ?

OctalMage said...

Thanks for the comment, the project was open source until google deleted my project page.


I guess Google can't see the good in keyloggers, which still surprises me.

Anyway, I have the code on my older computer. I have many plans for this app, although its many years old. The code in its current state is buggy and poorly written. But give me some time and I will upload it to a different service, such as github. They seem to be more open minded.