Saturday, October 13, 2007
Free Port Explorer 1.1 Released.
This is a free and open source version of this program, Port Explorer, and it is under the gpl license.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Toolbar Feedback
I know that right now it currently isn’t that good but im working on it.
So please either post here or email me at
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hacker Hangout
This is a social network where you can go to meet other hackers/programmers.
Sign-up and give it a try. The design is still under construction.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Did YouKnow 1.0 Released.
Here is an example.

You type in some text, then it will make the image for you.
FreeLogger 1.0 Released
When you first run this program, there will be a tray icon, to hide it, right click and click "Hide Icon". The program will now run silently in the background. Then when you want to view the log, just hit, alt+ctrl+shift+u, the trayicon will then show again. Now just right click the icon again, and click clear log.
Its a pretty simple program, it is not the best keylogger yet, but it will get the job done.
It logs the window title, text, time, username, and a couple of other things.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
cPaste 1.0 Released.
Google Hacks and RealBasic
I have recently got the latest version of RealBasic and I belive this will fix alot of the problems.
Expect a new version soon.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
pKiller 1.0 Released.
I wrote this app because the other day I was testing a program I was writing, that involved launching ie. The program got stuck in a loop and launched a million copies of ie which crached my computer.
With this app, you type in the process name, and hit start. Any time it sees that process, it will kill it. When you want it to stop, just hit stop, or just close it.
This is a safe program to have around when you are programming.
tShot 1.0 Released
The Problem: I needed a way to take a screenshot of a program that is only active while a key is down. The reason this is a problem is because the way you take a screenshot is with a key combination. So the key you held down for the application would stop the screenshot from triggering.
The Solution: I wrote a very quick program that acts much like a real camera, you set the timer, then pose. With this program, you set the time, then the program disappears while you "pose".
It really helped me out and I hope it will help someone else as well.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Free Hosting Space.
We have free and paid plans.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
New Version of Google Hacks Finally out!!
The new version of Google Hacks has a ton of new features.
Added new tool.
Removed product key search.
Added New proxy technique.
Added Application Search.
Added Torrent Search.
Added Cached Website Viewer.
Added File Hosting Search.
Also Got the project registered with sourceforge.
Special thanks goes to anass for, well, writing the whole update.
Hope you enjoy it,
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Myspace and msplinks

What in the world is msplinks?
Well I did some research and found that it is a technique used by myspace to stop spammers.
When they find a spammer or phisher, they put a stop on the address at msplinks, and since all the links on myspace go through msplinks, anybody that clicks on that link will be redirected.
This sounds like a good thing right?
News Corp is a "Global vertically integrated media company", and is also the current owner of myspace.
To me this sounds like a perfect opportunity to get stats on the most popular websites, which might be beneficial to a news company.
Plus, I think I should be able to decide what websites I view.
Thats why I wrote this firefox plugin.
This plugin will convert all msplinks back into the original link.
Please install and spread the word.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Caser 1.0 released.
Caser is a program that will allow you to change the case of the currently selected text using only keyboard shortcuts.
This is An example fOR caSer.
Pressing Alt+Ctrl+Up will produce this result.
this is an example for caser.
And Alt+Ctrl+Left
This Is An Example For Caser.
New Google Hacks Release Soon
Just some pre-release notes.
Added Applications section - Request made by geeksquad.disc.
Removed product key search.
Fixed update - Sorry about that.
Thanks for the support,
Friday, August 3, 2007
Firefox Addons
The first one adds a Google hacks search option to the right click menu.
The second one converts msplinks from myspace automaticly back into their original form.
Make sure you install them and tell me what you think.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Quick Google 1.2 released
In this version I have implemented a history with a auto completion like I have mentioned I would.
Im still working on the feature that allows you to specify your own searches.
Keep the requests coming.
mDesktop 1.1 Released.
The main new feature is the desktop identifier.
Now the tray icon tells you what desktop you are currently on.
Also fixed some bugs.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Badger 1.0 Released
Give it a try.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
InstaBrowser 1.2
Sometime last week I released InstaBrowser 1.2.
This release has alot of updates.
Added back,foward,refresh and stop buttons.
Also it manages it memory alot better, the memory consumption is now down by 80%.
If you havent tried it yet make sure you do.
Friday, July 27, 2007
New domains, new website...
I no longer own because I was relating to/supporting "hacking" as well as going over bw limit. Anyway, The new domains are.
Please if you see anywhere the old domain is posted, correct it.
Thank you so much for all the support and thank you all for the supporting emails, it really helps me keep going.
And Google Hacks users, thank you for sticking with the annoying pop-up until I can get a new version out. Im working on it I promise. :)
Im looking for any help I can get right now, programmers, packagers, anyone. So if you would like to help, please email me.
Also you can always support by donating. These resent purchases have put me back a bit with the monthly hosting. So any support there would also be appreciated. Even if you just install the toolbar you are supporting more than you realize.
Bad News
So im going to need alot of help getting all the traffic re-directed to the new site.
Every where you see the old domain,, please correct it with the new one,
Thank you for the support,
Any questions or if you would like to help,
Please email me at
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Released New version of Google Hacks, 1.4
In this version there is 2 new sections, Font and Lyric search.
Also added support of a firefox plugin that is coming soon.
Version 1.1 of WinHosts Released.
In this release, we fixed bugs with editing a current entry, and we added ip verification checks.
Also released a Portable Apps version.
Make sure you download it and give it a try.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Blue Shirt Studio Browser Toolbar.
With this toolbar you get instant up to date google hacks, even more than whats in google hacks its self.
So if you want the latest google hacks and other tools, make sure you install the toolbar.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Quick Twitter
Just hit win+t and a very compact dialog comes up, you enter the new update, hit enter, and your twitter is updated.
My Twitter
InstaBrowser 1.0 beta
InstaBrowser is a browser that is instantly at your finger tips.
All you do it move the mouse to the left of the screen, then to the right, then to the left again and a browser will appear embedded in the current window.
note:It will do the same for the opposite mouse movement as well.
Give it a try. :)
InstaBrowserWednesday, July 18, 2007
Blue Shirt Studio Program Manager
The BPM(Blue Shirt Studio Program Manager) will manage all of the Blue Shirt Studio Programs.
It will tell you what programs you have installed, what programs you don't have installed. Tell you what version you have installed(only for programs released after 7/18/07) and what the latest version is. It will show the programs you have running at start up and allow you to make programs run at start up. It shows what programs are currently running, and you can kill them, or run the ones that aren't running. It will let you update a program, or all of the programs.
Note: This program is beta and buggy. Please report all bugs.
Two New Programs
WinHosts which is a windows host file editor.
And Free Window Hider which is a clone of the payware program Windows Hider Pro
Please Test them and tell me what you think.
Free Window Hider
note:WinHosts was the first program not written by me. :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
dDeleter and iSaver
dDeleter is a program used to delete duplicate files in a directory.
iSaver is a program to quickly download photos from firefox and save them with a random name.
Google Hacks 1.4
With this new version you can use google as a proxy to get past content filters.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
winLight 0.7
This version has some major upgrades.
The main one is that it will save the history and when you do the quick search it will auto complete it.
Also made it compatible with winNote by adding a exception in winNote.
Give it a try and email me.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
New Releases, New Programs
I finished winLight 0.7 and almost finished Quick Google.
I started working on a couple of new programs too.
A program to make your alt key work like in the xfce system. hold alt and drag a windows to move it. Hold alt and right drag to resize. It has many other features. New release should be out later today.(after I get some sleep)
I also wrote a calculator add on for kiss. (which I just realized i haven't re released yet, because of a name conflict).
Im working on a program that will allow you to use a mouse combination to enter your password.
Working on a program to replicate the hot corners feature on mac.
Also working on a ebook reader.
Also working on a program to allow you to use the explorer bar as a dos command prompt.
I haven't started working on this, but I would like to add some kind of identifier for mDesktop, to show you what desktop you are on.
Well anyway, thats my daily update.
Im going to grab some z's.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
You plug the drive in, launch uKey, select the drive, then bam.
Pull the key out and your computer will lock up.
Put in back in and it will unlock.
Also, later today there should be new releases of winLight and Quick Google. I added a histroy to the both of them. So now, you start to type in the box and it will auto complete it.
Its a cool add on.
Also with Quick Google, im adding other search engines with the possibility to add your own.
Well anyway, alot to look forward to.
If anyone know of a good free desktop capturing program I would like to hear about it. I have tried camstudio but the quality is not good enough.
Just released a new program named winNote.
winNote adds a button in your window toolbar that allows you to write notes about a window, then it saves it.
This was a idea I got from Project Looking Glass by Sun.
Make sure you check it out.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
New Google Hacks
There should be a new version out by the end of the coming up week.
New template.
Its the one used on mozilla's wiki.
Tell me what you think about it.